

Our goal is to provide you with the best transportation options no matter where you live. We serve customers around the world every day and are committed to providing you with the best possible service.

Shipping method and delivery time

Shipping method: Standard shipping (with tracking), free shipping (without tracking)
Delivery time: Calculated at checkout, 30-35 days (estimated delivery)
Orders will be processed within 2 days of ordering and will be processed and shipped the next day in the future.
*Please note that these are estimated delivery times only. This website does not guarantee delivery dates.

Please ensure all shipping information is correct or if missing, we may be asked to contact you to update your delivery information, which may result in a delay in the delivery of your order.

Local customs may require additional documents and time to release your package, which may delay the estimated delivery time.

Your order can be delivered by local courier or local courier. Depending on your region, most orders are delivered via local delivery services. If you are not at home at the time of delivery, you will receive your package. The service may leave you a notification card telling you how and where to collect your package.

If the order is returned to the wrong address, incomplete address or due to unavailability, there is no agreement to reship the order. International shipping restrictions.

We currently do not ship to the following countries:

Faroe Islands

Cayman Islands

Virgin Islands

Northern Mariana Islands

British Virgin Islands

Turks and Caicos Islands

Solomon Islands

Falkland Islands

Marshall Islands

Reunification Island

Bouvet Islands

Christmas Islands

Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Cook Islands

Heard and McDonald Islands archipelago


San Martin

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,

The United Arab Emirates

Yi Selie

Yila Ke

Canary Islands


South Africa

a follow-up order

Delivery confirmation will be sent to you immediately after delivery so that you can track the status of the shipment.

For customers who choose economical shipping, you can visit Trackingmore or go directly to the post office website to track your orders:


San Francisco Express

individual post


Destinations where import duties, taxes and fees may be charged related to the package's arrival in the country. These rates are set by customs for a specific destination.

Payment of these fees and taxes is the responsibility of the recipient and is not covered by this website. For more detailed information on tariffs, please contact your local customs office.

customs and regulations

It is your responsibility to check the restricted items posted by your local courier as we are not responsible for items that are not accepted in a particular country or region.